
A shell for the Callimachus Project (http://callimachusproject.org) that implements a client for the Callimachus REST API.

The Callimachus shell may be used in either interactive or non-interactive modes. When used in interactive mode, a prompt is given which accepts built-in commands. The built-in command "help" may be used to obtain usage information on built-in commands.

When used in non-interactive mode, the shell will accept a file on STDIN for processing. The file is expected to contain Callimachus shell commands.


cash.pl -i
cash.pl [-s] -e ’<command>; <command>; ...’
cash.pl -u
cash.pl -v
cash.pl < script-file

  -e | --execute      Execute the following commands.  Commands are separated with semi-colons.

  -i | --interactive  Provide an interactive shell environment with commands specific to Callimachus operations.

  -s | --silent       Only provide output where necessary (e.g. errors and cat command).

  -u | --usage        Show usage directions and exit.

  -v | --version      Report the version number of this shell.


To get details for a particular command:

help <command>
# Comment
cd <folder> Change the active folder
debug Report the state of the shell's server object
echo <string> Echo a string to STDOUT
exec <command> Execute  command on the calling shell
exit Exit the shell
export CAR [<filename>] Exports the contents of the active folder into a CAR file
get <file_title> Retrieve a file from the active folder and save it
help Get this help message
import CAR <filename> Imports the contents of the filenme (a CAR file) into the active folder
login <user><pass> Login to the active server
logout Log out from the active server
ls List the contents of the active folder
mkdir <foldername> Make a new folder
mv <filename1><filename2> Move filename1 to filename2
put <filename> Store a file in the active folder
pwd Return the path of the active folder
quit Exit the shell
rm <filename> Delete a file from the active folder
rmdir <foldr_name> Delete a folder from the active folder
server <url> Set the Callimachus server authority. Optionally set an HTTP proxy (-p <proxy>)
set <option> <value> Set a shell option
version Report the version of this shell

Command Details

# Lines beginning with # are considered comments and are not processed
cat cat <file title>: Retrieves the designated file and send it to the standard output. The file title must be exactly as it appears in a folder listing, including spaces. This action may require authorization (see 'help login').
cd cd <folder title>: Changes the active folder to the name given. The title provided may be relative to the current folder (without a leading '/') or absolute to the top folder for the active server (with a leading '/'). Leading '..' characters refer to the parent folder. If the folder title is omitted, the folder will be changed to the top level ('home') folder.
debug debug: Report the state of the shell's server object. This command is primarily used for debugging the shell.
echo echo <string>: Echo a string to STDOUT. This command may be used (e.g.) to mark up output when run with -e or a script file.
exec exec <command>: Issues a command to the calling shell. The exec command allows users to run external commands without exiting the Callimachus Shell.
exit exit: Exits the shell.
export export CAR [<filename>]: Exports the contents of the active folder into a Callimachus Archive (CAR) file. If a filename is not provided, the server's suggested filename (consisting of path-to-folder-servername.car) will be used. This action requires authorization (see 'help login').
get get <file title>: Retrieves the designated file and saves it to the local file system. The file title must be exactly as it appears in a folder listing, including spaces. This action may require authorization (see 'help login').
help help: Provides a list of built-in commands.
import import CAR [<filename>]: Retrieves the designated file and saves it to the local file system. The file title must be exactly as it appears in a folder listing, including spaces. This action may require authorization (see 'help login').
login login <username> <password>
logout logout: Logs out of the active server. Actions requiring authentication will no longer work.
ls ls: Lists the contents of the active folder. Subfolder names are followed by a / character, e.g. 'rdf/'. Files are followed by their type in parentheses, e.g. 'helloworld (graph)'.
mkdir mkdir <foldername>: Make a new folder called foldername in the active folder or as provided by a path. The folder name given may be a URL, path or simple alphanumeric name. Folders will be created along a given path, as required. This action requires authorization (see 'help login').
mv mv <filename1><filename2>: Move filename1 to filename2. Filenames may be simple names, which will rename a file in the active folder, paths relative to the active server or fully-qualified URLs.
put put <filename>: Puts the designated file onto the server in the active folder. The filename will become the filename on the server, but will be changed to lower case. This action requires authorization (see 'help login').
pwd pwd: Returns the path of the active folder.
quit quit: Exits the shell.
rm\s+ rm <file title>: Deletes the designated file from the active folder. The file title must be exactly as it appears in a folder listing, including spaces. This action requires authorization (see 'help login').
rmdir rmdir <folder title>: Deletes the designated folder from the active folder. The folder title must be exactly as it appears in a folder listing, including spaces. This action requires authorization (see 'help login').
server server <url> or server -p <proxy><url>: Sets the Callimachus server authority. For example, 'server http://localhost:8080/' creates a server object with that base HTTP authority. The server URL must refer to a Callimachus instance. Further commands will relate to the last set server authority. Optionally set an HTTP proxy with -p to allow connection to a Callimachus server behind a proxy or running a DNS name different from its HTTP authority. The <proxy> field must contain a URL and may contain an optional port number (e.g. http://www.example.com:8080). The proxy port defaults to 1080 if not provided. The <proxy> field must contain 'http://'.
set set <option><value>: Set a shell option to the specified value. Current options are 'debug', which may be set to a non-negative integer value to cause an increasing level of additional information to be displayed, and 'autols', which may be set to 1 to cause an 'ls' command to be issued after every 'cd' command.
ver version: Report the version number of this shell.