
This procedure describes how to run Callimachus on Amazon EC2.


Step Action Notes
1 Create an Elastic Block Storage (ESB) disk using the EC2 management console.
  1. Select the 'Volumes' link under the 'ELASTIC BLOCK STORE' menu item in the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Follow the wizard to attach the new EBS disk to a running Ec2 instance.
  3. The disk will probably become /dev/sdf on the EC2 instance.
2 Format the ESB disk Command: # fdisk /dev/sdf
3 Make a file system on the ESB disk. Command: # mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sdf1
4 Mount the disk. Command: # mount /dev/sdf1 /opt
5 Verify to see that the disk is mounted.

Command: # mount | grep sdf

You should see an entry in /etc/mtab

You must configure Callimachus with an ORIGIN authority that is a CNAME to the amazonws.com hostname (something like ec2-123-compute-1.amazonaws.com) or a local/internal alias.