There are two techniques to override local client side DNS resolution. This can either be done onthe client with the etc/hosts or by using a SOCKS tunnel in Firefox.

On the remote Service ensure that the ORIGIN authority resolves to an IP address of one of the host's network interfaces.

Modify /etc/hosts

On the client change the authority to resolve to the IP address of the remote host. On Mac and Linux the file is located in /etc/hosts, on Windows it is in %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

On Mac the following must be run after any changes to /etc/hosts.

sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

SOCKS Tunnel

On the client run the following to setup a temporary SOCKS tunnel to the remote host.

ssh -D 8080

In Firefox open about:config in the address bar. Enabled network.proxy.socks_remote_dns and add localhost:8080 SOCKS proxy. This will proxy all Web traffic through the SOCKS tunnel and use the remote server for host name resolution.