A Callimachus Enterprise instance may be used to configure other Callimachus Open Source or Enterprise instances. This allows for easier management (via a UI) and more monitoring possibilities. This diagram shows the basic configruation workflow. More details are below.

Step 1: Install JMX Server and Listen for JMX Requests

Callimachus Enterprise can be setup from an already setup Callimachus Enterprise deployment (instead of an initial doman). To do so, install the server by running the install script as stated earlier (do not run the setup script) and run the start script:

# bin/callimachus-install.sh
# bin/callimachus-start.sh

When asked by the install script, make sure you generate a server certificate.

Output of the start script may look like this:

# bin/callimachus-start.sh
Using BASEDIR: /opt/3RoundStones/Callimachus-Enterprise-1.x
Using JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk.x86_64/jre
Using JDK_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk.x86_64
Starting callimachus
Certificate was added to keystore
Imported new trusted certificate etc/example.com.cer into etc/truststore

The .cer file in the etc directory must be distributed to all Callimachus instances that will monitor or configure this service. After copying the .cer file to all other instances' etc/ directory, stop and start these instances.

You MUST have JAVA_HOME correctly configured for this to work. It MUST be the JRE path, not the JDK path.

The enterprise server is now listening on JMX port 1090 (as specificed in etc/jmxremote.properties), but has not yet been configured. Another Callimachus Enterprise instance must be setup to complete the Callimachus Enterprise instance's configuration.

Step 2: Create a Server Manager on a Controlling Callimachus Enterprise Instance

You will require the username/password combinations defined in etc/jmxremote.password on the new Callimachus instance. The etc/jmxremote.password contains two account passwords (monitorRole and controlRole) that can be used to monitor and configure this service (respectively).

The etc/jmxremote.password file is created the first time the start script is run.

Open your browser to your controlling Callimachus Enterprise instance.  This will be another (already setup) Callimachus Enterprise.  Navigate to a folder where you wish to manage your remote servers and select "Server" from the folder's Create menu. This will prompt you for a label, comment, JMX socket address, account name, and account password.

Field Description Example
Label The name of the instance. Used for identification in the file system. "Remote Callimachus Server"
Comment A comment describing the instance. "Our next Callimachus Enterprise installation"
Callimachus server JMX socket address The local host and the JMX port found in the etc/jmxremote.properties file. example.com:1090
JMX remote account The type of JMX remote account specified in the etc/jmxremote.password file. The two options are monitorRole and controlRole. Most instances will necessitate use of controlRole. controlRole
JMX remote password The JMX remote password associated with the type of account selected in the previous input field. Make sure to select the correct one. 1b3434fdfe2170180a0ccf6f3c6afdd6

Click the Connect button. The View tab lists the currently configured origins for this Callimachus instance. Clicked the Edit tab to modify the remote instances' configuration.

Change the HTTP server state to Running and provide a Port that will match the origin. Fill in the mail settings as described above. Click the new deployment link and fill in the form as describe below.

Field Description Example
Primary origin The primary origin is where the Callimachus Web files will be stored. http://example.com/
Decode unreserved characters, and normalize Lowercase scheme and authorities, replace '%2F' with '/', '%28' with '(', and more in path segments. Disabled by default
Store, but never observe, the canonical IRI Check this if the IRI in the RDF store is different from the IRI hosted by Callimachus. Disable for most deployments
Canonical IRI and their alias List the IRI space in the RDF store followed by other IRI spaces that identify the same set of resources. /dbpedia/ http://dbpedia.org/resource/
Purge obsolete data after Obsolete data is past versions of current resources or deleted resources. This number is measured in days. 7
Invite new admin user The email address of the user you would like to have administrative privileges on the new deployment. joe@example.com

Click Setup then click Save settings and an email will be sent to the email address provided once the Web service is setup and running.

Step 3: Manage Your Remote Callimachus Instance

You may monitor the status of your new Callimachus instance by looking at the view of the Server Manager you created.  Editing the Server Manager will allow you to change its configuration.