Two or more deployments can share the same server resources (same server sockets). To add another deployment fill in the new deployment form under the Edit tab of a server.

Field Description Example
Primary origin The primary origin is where the Callimachus Web files will be stored.
Decode unreserved characters, and normalize Lowercase scheme and authorities, replace '%2F' with '/', '%28' with '(', and more in path segments. Disabled by default
Store, but never observe, the canonical IRI Check this if the IRI in the RDF store is different from the IRI hosted by Callimachus. Disable for most deployments
Canonical IRI and their alias List the IRI space in the RDF store followed by other IRI spaces that identify the same set of resources. /dbpedia/
Purge obsolete data after Obsolete data is past versions of current resources or deleted resources. This number is measured in days. 7
Invite new admin user The email address of the user you would like to have administrative privileges on the new deployment.

Clicking Setup will create the new deployment with the default digest authentication. From the View tab you can click through to the new deployment and add resources or configure it.