Edit the etc/callimachus.conf file and change the ORIGIN to contain the scheme and authority of an initial deployment. Change the PORT to match the port of the authority if you are setting up an HTTP service.

Alternatively, leave the PORT commented out and use SSLPORT if you are setting up an HTTPS service.  Make sure your ORIGIN reads 'https://' in place of 'http://'.

Even if you plan on setting up multiple deployments later, you must have at least one Callimachus instance setup with an initial deployment. An exert of a etc/callimachus.conf file is shown here:

# TCP port server should listen for HTTP requests.
# Most web servers listen on port 80.
# Takes effect the next time the start script is run

# HTTP URL scheme and authority use when uploading webapps.
# This value should contain the scheme, host name and port number (if not port 80 or 443).
# This is the part of the URL before the path.
# Cannot be changed once the setup script is run

# UNIX based operating systems only allow root to listen on port 80.
# Use this to down grade privileges when running the start script as root.
# Takes effect the next time the start script is run

The host of the ORIGIN must resolve to an IP address for a local interface. If the host resolves to an external IP (not listed in ifconfig, such as the system will not function. Modify /etc/hosts as neccessary to ensure the host resolves to an IP address listed in ifconfig.

Once an initial origin is provided in the etc/callimachus.conf file, run the setup script and start the server.

# bin/callimachus-setup.sh

The setup script will print a URL where the initial user's password can be provided and automatically launch the start script. Open a Web browser to the URL provided at the end of the setup script to assign a password. Use this password to login and follow the setup a single instance instructions.